Fuses usually shut down as a safety mechanism to prevent the entire system from overloading. Odds are, you're going to experience a burnt fuse in your home and your car at some point in your life. Fortunately, changing a dead fuse is similar wherever it takes place. To swap out a burned-out fuse in your vehicle, please do the following:
Step 1: Find the Fuse Panel
First of all, you need to find where the hub is located in your car. If you need assistance, please refer to the owner's manual. In most cars, you can find it under the steering wheel.
Step 2: Extract the Cover
Once you locate the panel and open the covering, look on the opposite side for a diagram depicting each fuse and what part of the vehicle it powers. You might see various numbers and colors that explain different amperages.
Step 3: Find the Blown Fuse
The blown fuse will almost always be black or look broken.
Step 4: Disconnect the Broken Fuse
You can use your hands or some grasping tool to remove the burned-out fuse. Please be as careful as you can as you don't want to break it in the process.
Step 5: Connect Replacement Fuse
The fuse panel will tell you the correct amperage for each fuse, so make sure to add an appropriate replacement. An incorrect amperage can corrupt the entire system, leaving you with a bigger problem than what you started with.
Step 6: Start the Car
If your engine ignites without problems, you've performed the job correctly. Please take your vehicle to a professional mechanic if the same fuse blows out (or it doesn't work).
To make sure your vehicle stays healthy in Brentwood, CA, please call Monkey Wrenches at (925) 304-1291 or schedule an appointment online today!