Posted on 12/30/2022

Your vehicle's exhaust may be able to tell you that your engine is in serious trouble. If you think about it, you should rarely ever see your exhaust. You might see steam on a cold morning or at night from time to time, but the exhaust is usually never seen. If you begin to see a ton of exhaust smoke spilling out of your tailpipe, then it's most likely a sign of trouble. Please make sure you note the color of the exhaust as it can help your trusted mechanic diagnose the issue: Black Exhaust If your tailpipe releases dark clouds of exhaust smoke, your engine is burning too much fuel. In rare cases, it can even lead to a fire. It's essential to pull over right away if your engine releases a lot of black exhaust, especially if the smoke is coming out of the hood too. You can trust the expert team at Monkey Wrenches Inc. to locate and repair the problem for you. Blue Exhaust If your exhaust smoke is blue or grayish, it's vital to stop driving your automobile. Blue ... read more