Posted on 12/21/2021

Wondering if turning on your car heater really helps to stop the car from overheating? According to automotive experts, the answer is yes — at least temporarily. How Turning On Your Car Heater Helps Combat Overheating When you're driving down the road and your car shows signs of overheating, experts say turning on the heater can help. The reason is that when the heater is running inside of the car; it pulls heat away from the engine. The engine can begin cooling as it disperses heat into the passenger compartment. If this trick doesn't work, or if your vehicle is constantly overheating, bring your vehicle into our shop. Why Is My Engine Overheating? After the vehicle cools down and you're in a safe location, the next question to ask yourself is what caused the car to overheat in the first place? The cause of engine overheating can be because of a wide range of factors. Some issues that cause overhea ... read more