Posted on 4/26/2021
One of the biggest mistakes made by drivers is not inspecting their tires often enough. Tire wear is usually a telltale sign that your vehicle's tires are out of balance or that the suspension is unbalanced or worn. So anytime you see unusual tire wear, make sure to immediately give both the tires and suspension an intensive check to determine what is causing the trouble. Most drivers focus on center wear or cupping when they need to know the specific condition of their tires. If you notice a slow, gradual reduction in the tire's ability to grip the road as you drive, this is a very important indicator that the tire wear is uneven and possibly signs of a problem with the suspension system of your car. Also, tires with cracks most likely need to be replaced. Cracks usually appear when the sidewall of the tire has been stressed extensively. This causes the sidewall to break and the tire becomes prone to splitting apart. This also means that the tire is nearing the end of its li ... read more