Posted on 12/21/2021

Wondering if turning on your car heater really helps to stop the car from overheating? According to automotive experts, the answer is yes — at least temporarily. How Turning On Your Car Heater Helps Combat Overheating When you're driving down the road and your car shows signs of overheating, experts say turning on the heater can help. The reason is that when the heater is running inside of the car; it pulls heat away from the engine. The engine can begin cooling as it disperses heat into the passenger compartment. If this trick doesn't work, or if your vehicle is constantly overheating, bring your vehicle into our shop. Why Is My Engine Overheating? After the vehicle cools down and you're in a safe location, the next question to ask yourself is what caused the car to overheat in the first place? The cause of engine overheating can be because of a wide range of factors. Some issues that cause overhea ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2021
Fuses usually shut down as a safety mechanism to prevent the entire system from overloading. Odds are, you're going to experience a burnt fuse in your home and your car at some point in your life. Fortunately, changing a dead fuse is similar wherever it takes place. To swap out a burned-out fuse in your vehicle, please do the following: Step 1: Find the Fuse Panel First of all, you need to find where the hub is located in your car. If you need assistance, please refer to the owner's manual. In most cars, you can find it under the steering wheel. Step 2: Extract the Cover Once you locate the panel and open the covering, look on the opposite side for a diagram depicting each fuse and what part of the vehicle it powers. You might see various numbers and colors that explain different amperages. Step 3: Find the Blown Fuse The blown fuse will almost always be black or look broken. Step 4: Disconnect the Broken Fuse You can use your hands or some grasping tool to remove ... read more
Posted on 10/21/2021
Changing your oil is one of the most essential and simplest car services your car needs. High-quality, fresh, clean engine oil helps prevent excess friction from taking place within the engine. Additionally, it also prevents corrosion by keeping the engine lubricated. As oil gets dirty over time, it becomes less effective at doing these tasks. If it's been a long while since you've had an oil change, your check engine light may light, or you may notice a leak in extreme circumstances. It can even come as a surprise if you see a puddle of oil under your vehicle after running an errand. Below are of the most common causes of oil leaks: Blown Head Gasket - If you own an older vehicle, the head gasket can get blown. There's also another possibility that the rubber material enclosing the engine block may have decayed. Damaged Oil Filter - The filter contributes to the flow of oil. A leak may occur as a result. Damaged Oil Pan - Your oil pan sits relatively close to the ... read more
Posted on 9/27/2021

The transmission, sometimes known as a gearbox, is the component in your car that transfers power from the motor to the wheels. With such an essential role in your vehicle, the transmission also requires regular check-ups and services to perform optimally. It can also wear down over time, and it'll signal warnings as a result: warning lights, fluid leaks, burning carpet smell. If you experience any of these indications, we highly recommend you take your vehicle to Monkey Wrenches ASAP. Your mechanic can do three different types of operations to your transmission: repair, replacement, and rebuild. Transmission Repair A transmission repair is the most economical option of the three services. Repairs are to fix minor mishaps with the transmission. This type of procedure includes repairing specific components, various mods, and resealing. Transmission repairs do not involve the reassembly of the entire system. Our expert team will assess the severity of your transmissi ... read more
Posted on 8/23/2021

Imagine getting into your car and smelling an overwhelmingly sweet smell, similar to pancake syrup. Your first thought may be to check your backseat for any leftovers you left in the car or if you've spilled a sugary snack in the car. However, you don't find anything. When it comes to your vehicle, a consistent sweet smell in your vehicle can be a dangerous sign of a car issue. If you catch yourself sniffing syrup, there's a strong likelihood that you've got a coolant leak. Coolant, also known to be a mixture of antifreeze and water, has a critical job when it comes to keeping your vehicle cooled. It is responsible for regulating your engine's temperature to avoid overheating. Coolant acts as a temperature stabilizer and transferer to provide heat to your cabin heating and defrosting systems. Furthermore, it can also prevent corrosion in your internal systems. The coolant moves through other parts, including the engine, hoses, radiator, and heater cor ... read more
Posted on 7/21/2021

Belts and hoses are some of the most economical parts of an engine. However, if they begin to fail or tear, they can lead to some relatively severe damages. In particular, your car's timing belt is an integral part of the engine because of its job. It is responsible for synchronizing and coordinating the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft. Without this movement, the engine valves would not open and close at the appropriate times for operation. The belt uses teeth to provide consistent coordination. If the timing is off or the timing belt connection is weak, it could be disastrous for your engine. For example, the pistons can strike the valves, causing damage to the engine. The timing belt must be correctly installed and maintain a good condition. Common Causes of Timing Belt Failure There are several different ways that a timing belt can fail. These include: Stripped teeth on the strap Unraveling of the belt's fiber cores Belt breakage (uncommon ... read more
Posted on 6/24/2021

Summer provides an excellent season to travel and explore the outdoors. If you own a Fido, you might want to bring them along on your vacation or trip so that they can also enjoy a fun time away from home. Your pet is not your typical passenger, and it is critical to ensure that they're safe on the road. If it's your first time traveling with your furry friend, then read on to get valuable insights into how you can ensure their safety and security. Invest in a Travel Crate or Carrier Safety and ventilation are critical when you want to provide your pet with the best travel experience. Therefore, visit the pet supply sop with your Fido and find a suitable crate that fits them perfectly. The secret to using a travel crate is to purchase it months in advance so that your pet gets accustomed to it. If you surprise him, it might shock him due to the abrupt change in his everyday lifestyle. Ensure You Drive with the Windows Shut It's critical to roll up the windows when trave ... read more
Posted on 5/27/2021

Some stuff just doesn't happen at the right moment. Take, for example, a car that unexpectedly refuses to start. While inconvenient, this is not a cause for concern. Do you have a car that won't start right now? Have you recently seen a stalled vehicle or one that hasn't started properly? Then this is the article for you. We look at the triggers of a car that won't start and provide solutions. Warning: If your car won't start, don't turn the key any further. Warming up the starter motor, especially when it's cold, might seem like a good idea, but it can harm the starter motor. So don't try for more than 15 seconds! Why Won't My Car Start? There's A Problem With One Of These Systems. We need to look at what happens when a car starts well to understand why it starts poorly. Several components in the car work together to keep the engine running smoothly. The following are some of them: The electrical system The fuel system The starter motor T ... read more
Posted on 4/26/2021
One of the biggest mistakes made by drivers is not inspecting their tires often enough. Tire wear is usually a telltale sign that your vehicle's tires are out of balance or that the suspension is unbalanced or worn. So anytime you see unusual tire wear, make sure to immediately give both the tires and suspension an intensive check to determine what is causing the trouble. Most drivers focus on center wear or cupping when they need to know the specific condition of their tires. If you notice a slow, gradual reduction in the tire's ability to grip the road as you drive, this is a very important indicator that the tire wear is uneven and possibly signs of a problem with the suspension system of your car. Also, tires with cracks most likely need to be replaced. Cracks usually appear when the sidewall of the tire has been stressed extensively. This causes the sidewall to break and the tire becomes prone to splitting apart. This also means that the tire is nearing the end of its li ... read more
Posted on 3/17/2021
To better understand what a head gasket leak is, it would help first to know what a head gasket is and its role in a car. What is a Head Gasket? A head gasket is a flat, thin metal sheet with several holes fitted between the motor and the cylinder head. Their design, thickness, and construction vary, depending on the engine design. It is a critical component under the hood, enhancing the engine's efficiency by sealing the combustion chamber for maximum compression and containment of exhaust gases. It also prevents the entry of oil and coolant (and antifreeze) into the combustion chamber. Understanding Head Gasket Leak and Its Costs The head gasket seals out extremely hot pressurized combustion gases and the antifreeze. Because the coolant temperature varies from time to time and the gasket's large surface area, it is not uncommon for the gasket to leak as the years go by. A leak in the head gasket is also referred to as a blown head gasket. That means it can no longer perfo ... read more